Without exaggeration, this is another revolution in the art world. Video information, a combination of sound and graphic information, is fraught with amazing possibilities. How to show flowing rain, the smooth rocking of the boat on the sea surface, the measured fall of a leaf from a branch at the time of leaf fall? The best way to portray this is in the animation technique that I learned to master as soon as I saw the first moving image on a huge screen. The fact is that some information (or a work of art) is perceived only if it is displayed in dynamics and processed in special programs. And the one who owns the secrets of dynamic video information will conquer the world of contemporary art in the near future.
What brought me to the digital world was the desire to bring something new. But time after time, mastering the next digital technique or format, I understand that I have discovered a new direction in art, which, as we know, has no boundaries.
Skills That We Have Yet To Develop That Hinder Us! Art withour boarders!
The viewer, immersing himself in the images I created, following the lines, distinguishing color schemes, also goes into the world of dreams. A painting painted in a meditative state affects the viewer,
which, together with his own experiences, has a striking effect. Many times, I noticed the inner uplift of the guests at the presentation of my works, their brightening faces and smiles.
Painting has a magical nature, but for it to have a positive impact on people, the artist must invest the strength of his soul into its creation. This is exactly what I do, striving to transform the spiritual life of my viewers.
The main message of the “Art Without Limits” style is – don’t be afraid!
The world is becoming more and more complex, and we humans often do not understand how to exist in it. Many suffer from nervous disorders, which is why they miss the most valuable opportunities in life, and this is a shame!
Do not be afraid! Try to do something that you haven’t dared to do before, move away from the standard, listen to your intuition.If eminent experts say about my works: “This is bad!”, then I answer: “Let the viewer judge!” and send the paintings to the exhibition!
Nowadays, outdated patterns are especially criticized – this is exactly what I see in different countries when traveling around the world. What was previously considered wrong becomes commonplace and there is no one left to criticize your lifestyle or even your appearance. Are you happy? So, we must continue this way.
The changes taking place in the world are reflected in the arts, so now deep education should not suppress self-expression. This is the only way to create paintings that touch the soul and change the world.
When working with children in art classes, I tell them:
– Create as you feel! Close your eyes, see the dream, and tell it to me on paper!
Anastassia Ovsiienko
Expressing yourself brings happiness, which is why Art Without Borders is becoming an increasingly interesting phenomenon in the artistic community. I have many followers who share my point of view; both newcomers to the art space and seasoned authors who feel the need to update their own vision come to me for advice. Feeling the demand for the “Art Without Borders” style, I am inspired to develop myself and polish my technique.
Collaboration has become a trend in modern art, because the combination of different areas of artistic activity devoted to a single theme reveals an idea from different positions, from an unexpected perspective and previously unattainable depth. An approach based on the composition of things that had not previously formed a duet or trio turned out to be in demand by the viewer, thirsty for innovation, development, and advancement.